JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD emphasized that the Indonesian government took a persuasive approach to free Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Merthens who was held hostage by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya in Paro, Nduga, Papua Mountains.

According to Mahfud, the government continues to prioritize the safety of the New Zealand pilot.

"The government will continue to make every effort to save the hostages with persuasive approaches because the priority is the safety of the hostages", said Mahfud in a press statement video broadcast on Kemenkopolhukam's YouTube, monitored in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, February 14.

Nevertheless, Mahfud emphasized that the government did not rule out other efforts, bearing in mind that taking civilians as hostages is an unacceptable act for whatever reason.

"Therefore, persuasive efforts are the main guideline for the safety of hostages, but the Government does not rule out other efforts", he added.

He also said that the Government of Indonesia continues to communicate with the Government of New Zealand to monitor and accelerate the handling of the release of Philip Mark Mehrtens.

Mahfud reiterated that Papua is a legal part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), according to the Indonesian constitution, international law, and ongoing facts.

"Therefore, because Papua is a legal part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia from various aspects, Papua will forever and ever remain a legitimate part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia", he said.

Meanwhile, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mathius Faakhiri confirmed that Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens is currently with KKB in Paro, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains. However, Mathius could not confirm the exact location.

He stated that he was still waiting for reports from community leaders and local religious leaders who were sent down by the Regent of Nduga, Narnia Gwijangge, to Paro.

Previously, on Friday, February 10, the Cenderawasih Military Commander, Maj. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa stated that joint TNI-Polri personnel had evacuated at least 25 civilians due to intimidation by the KKB.

The KKB led by Egianus Kogoya reportedly set fire to a plane belonging to Susi Air piloted by Philip Mark Mertens at the Paro District Airport.

Previously, the KKB had also threatened to kill 15 construction workers who were working on the construction of a health centre in Paro.


- https://voi.id/berita/254267/aksi-teror-kkb-di-nduga-istana-presiden-jokowi-belum-tetapkan-darurat-sipil-di-papua

- https://voi.id/berita/254236/sepekan-belum-ditemukan-bupati-nduga-minta-kkb-lepaskan-pilot-susi-air

- https://voi.id/berita/254202/kapolda-papua-pastikan-pilot-susi-air-bersama-kkb-di-paro-cuma-lokasi-detail-belum-didapat

- https://voi.id/berita/254223/6-jam-diperiksa-dan-belum-rampung-kejagung-minta-keterangan-johnny-g-plate-terkait-dugaan-korupsi-bakti-kominfo

- https://voi.id/bernas/252897/dalam-era-keterbukaan-informasi-pers-harus-berperan-sebagai-pendidik


The 15 workers managed to escape into the forest with the help of the local community, before being evacuated to Timika by the TNI-Polri from the Gunung Wea area using three helicopters last Wednesday, 8 February.

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