BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) ensures that the repair of the route to the Gabus Toll Gate will begin in 2023. The route to be precise on Jalan Raya Sriamur, Srijaya Village, North Tambun District is no longer adequate.

"This development also answers the complaints of local residents because the condition of the roads they go through every day is no longer adequate," said Head of the Bekasi Regency Water Resources, Highways, and Construction Development Office, Henri Lincoln, in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday, February 14.

He said the route, which is the access road to the Gabus Toll Gate on the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road, is included in the 2023 regional infrastructure development calendar. This point is included in the 107 kilometers of roads built this year.

His party claimed to have reviewed the condition of the road and based on the results of the field review, the road segment needed thorough repairs so that the alternative route in the northern region of Bekasi Regency was feasible to cross.

"Indeed, at this point the condition of the land is moving, so on the one hand the road and the other side there is something going down. So it must be handled thoroughly. It has been included in this year's development program," he said.

Henri said, before repairing the road, his party first built a sheet pile that functions to hold the ground so that it remains stable. The construction of the sheet pile will also be strengthened by the installation of stake poles.

This is important to do because apart from unstable soil conditions, the road load is quite heavy because many large vehicles pass by. "So if the road is repaired it won't be strong, then we also build a sheet pile and put up a stakepole," he said.

The repair of this road has also been coordinated with the central government, considering that some of the damaged road points are still the central responsibility as part of the construction of the Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road.

"So there is still toll authority. So we have conducted a joint survey to be further divided for joint improvement," he said, quoted by Antara.

This road repair plan has also been conveyed to local residents through socialization activities so that residents are no longer worried about the condition of the road that will be repaired immediately.

"We also convey the process. We are currently conducting auctions for consultants first, then at the physical auction including in this Gabus," he said.

Henri admitted that there was an increase in the number of roads repaired this year, from only about 40 kilometers to up to 107 kilometers.

"So the commitment continues. We are deploying a team to conduct direct surveys on the roads that are often complained about. We set a priority scale and this year road repairs have increased," he said.

His party allocated financing of Rp. 571 billion sourced from the Bekasi Regency Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) 2023 for construction, improvement, and road maintenance. The rest is for the maintenance of bridges and water resources.

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