JAKARTA - The leadership of the DPR RI asked the Secretary General of the DPR to schedule a plenary session for the ratification of the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT), in the near future.

Deputy Chairman of the Republic of Indonesia House of Representatives, Coordinator for People's Welfare (Korkesra) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, said the bill urgently needs to be passed, following the rampant violence that has befallen domestic workers in various regions in Indonesia and those working abroad.

"I ask that the PPRT Bill be passed as soon as possible, as soon as possible, it will be done. The urgency is very important for our domestic workers," said Cak Imin, to journalists, Tuesday, February 14.

"I have communicated with the Secretary General of the DPR to schedule the ratification of the PPRT Bill. Let's wait for it in the near future," he added.

The chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) explained that the PPRT Bill was first proposed in 2004 and only entered the discussion stage to become a bill in 2010. Cak Imin said that the discussion on the PPRT Bill had taken too long, so the emergence of cases of violence against domestic workers should have become the basis for the urgency of discussing the bill.

"The discussion on the ratification of the Domestic Workers Bill has been going on for a very long time. I can see that it has been more than 15 years, especially recently, because exploitation, torture and various cases of violence, and the non-fulfillment of domestic workers' rights are happening everywhere," he said.

According to Cak Imin, the pattern of work of domestic workers with employers that tends to be cultural and family in nature has no concrete legal references. Especially related to the protection of the rights and obligations of domestic workers and employers.

"Even though all work relations should have been regulated and formal in nature, whether it's a domestic worker, it's the same as any other pattern of work," he concluded.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud Md emphasized that the ratification of the PPRT Bill needed to be accelerated so that domestic workers could avoid various acts of violence and receive protection.

According to him, the bill that has been discussed by the DPR has received open support from President Joko Widodo.

"This is part of Nawacita, so it becomes an agenda that we must complete," said Mahfud MD, Sunday, February 12.

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