DIY - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) socializes peaceful elections and integrity in Kulon Progo Regency along with the one year moment ahead of the 2024 General Election which will be held on February 14, 2024.

The head of the Kulon Progo Bawaslu, Ria Harlinawati, said the socialization was carried out at 12 crowded places, such as tourist attractions and markets spread throughout the sub-districts throughout Kulon Progo.

"The implementation of this surveillance alert is in the framework of one year before the voting day on February 14, 2024," said Ria in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Tuesday, February 14, as reported by Antara.

He said, in this socialization, the Kulon Progo Regency Bawaslu together with the sub-district and sub-district/village panwaslu conveyed several messages, one of which was an invitation to the public not to commit election violations. Socialization through verbal messages and writing, such as stickers.

In addition, he continued, in the socialization of surveillance alerts, Bawaslu Kulon Progo launched the "Jarimu Monitoring Elections" Program, which is a digital community of participatory surveillance and invites the public to join this digital community.

Bahkan, Bawaslu Kulon Progo bersama panwaslu kecamatan meluncurkan Posko "Kawal Hak Pimilihmu" di Kantor Bawaslu Kulon Progo dan 12 Kantor Panwaslu Kecamatan se-Kulon Progo.

Ria Harlinawati said the Kulon Progo Bawaslu intensively finalized measures in optimizing election supervision from various aspects, both prevention, supervision, and prosecution of violations.

"One of the things that Bawaslu Kulon Progo wants to optimize is to supervise participatory by inviting the public to oversee the 2024 General Election," he said.

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