JAKARTA - The Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Agency (BPPTKG) has again recorded volcanic activity of Mount Merapi in the form of incandescent lava avalanches with small intensity four times to the southwest at the position of the Krasak River channel with a maximum sliding distance of 400 meters.

Reporting from the BNPB press statement, the data was obtained from visual monitoring conducted on Tuesday, December 5 at 18.00-24.00 WIB.

At the same time the incandescent lava avalanche occurred, the BPPTKG team also recorded an earthquake in the form of 23 avalanches with an amplitude of 3-41 millimeters with a duration of 11-127 seconds.

Then for the gust there are 11 times with an amplitude of 2-8 millimeters with a duration of 9 to 33 seconds.

Furthermore, Hybrid / Multiple Phase was recorded with a total of 75, with an amplitude of 3-31 millimeters, SP: 0.3-0.5 seconds, with a duration of 4-11 seconds.

Next, there were 16 recorded Shallow Volcanics with an amplitude of 34-75 millimeters with a duration of 12-39 seconds.

As for Remote Tectonics, 1 with an amplitude of 4 millimeters, SP: 16 seconds and a duration of 43 seconds were recorded.

Previously, Mount Merapi's volcanic activity had also been monitored on Thursday, December 31, at 21.08 WIB, which according to the results of visual data showed an indication of the appearance of silent flames and incandescent lava.

According to the Head of BPPTKG Hanik Humaira, the silent fire appeared at the bottom of the 1997 lava, as based on the results of satellite imagery observations which confirmed the presence of mounds which were suspected to be new material.

"This is the one in the 1997 lava," Hanik explained in the BPPTKG Information Broadcast on Recent Merapi Activities via online media, Tuesday, January 5.

From the latest developments in the activity of Mount Merapi, Hanik said that technically it can be said that currently Mount Merapi has entered the eruption phase in 2021.

However, he explained that this is still the initial phase of an indication of the magma extrusion process that will occur based on high seismic and deformation data.

"Technically we can say that Mount Merapi has entered the eruption phase in 2021," said Hanik.

Based on the results of these observations and observations, Hanik appealed to the public to increase awareness of Mount Merapi's activities.

The community is expected to continue to follow directions from several relevant agencies such as the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and local government, and always follow information from reliable sources.

"Because there is still the possibility of an effusive eruption, our recommendation is for the regional governments of Sleman, Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten to always prepare everything related to the mitigation of the eruption of Mount Merapi," said Hanik.

In connection with this incident, BPPTKG has not revised the recommendations for Mount Merapi activities where the potential hazard area is still within a maximum distance of 5 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi.

The forecasts for the hazard areas include Glagaharjo Village (Kalitengah Lor Hamlet); Kepuharjo Village (Kaliadem Hamlet); Umbulharjo Village (Palemsari Hamlet) in Cangkringan District, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta.

Then Ngargomulyo Village (Dusun Batur Ngisor, Gemer, Ngandong, Karanganyar); Krinjing Village (Dusun Trayem, Pugeran, Trono); Paten Village (Babadan 1, Babadan 2) in Dukun District, Magelang District, Central Java.

Furthermore, Tlogolele Village (Stabelan Hamlet, Takeran, Belang); Klakah Village (Sumber, Bakalan, Bangunsari, Klakah Nduwur Hamlet); Jrakah Village (Distant Hamlet, Sepi) in Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java.

Next comes the village of Tegal Mulyo (Dusun Pajekan, Canguk, Sumur); Sidorejo Village (Petung Hamlet, Kembangan, Deles); Balerante Village (Dusun Kontakrejo, Ngipiksari, Gondang) in Kemalang District, Klaten Regency, Central Java.

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