Criminal law expert at Universitas Brawijaya, Aan Eko Widiarto, assessed that the death sentence handed down against former Head of the Propam Polri Ferdy Sambo had restored the good name of Yosua Nopriansyah or Brigadier J. Moreover, the panel of judges believes that there is no element of sexual harassment like what has been circulating so far.

"The judge has actually restored his good name when he saw the considerations. Therefore, the judge has denied it," said Aan when contacted by VOI, Monday, February 13.

Aan mentioned in the judge's consideration that there was no evidence of sexual harassment by Brigadier J against Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawati before being executed. Thus, this is a form of restoration of good name.

"Because of what, if you sexually abuse, there must be evidence. Moreover, PC is a doctor, so you should see a doctor about sexually transmitted diseases," he said.

"But (the examination, ed) was not carried out," continued Aan.

During the trial, Putri Candrawathi admitted that Brigadier J raped her at Magelang's house on July 7. However, the panel of judges assessed the elements of sexual harassment or rape.

Moreover, there is not a single supporting fact to prove this confession, such as a visum et repertum. Putri only claims to have a psychological post-mortem that explains that she is experiencing stress and traumatic after becoming a victim of harassment.

Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J today, Monday, February 13. The former Head of the Propam Division was found guilty.

"The defendant Ferdy Sambo has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act, participating in premeditated murder... together," said Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santosa during a trial reading Ferdy Sambo's decision at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, February 13.

In its decision, the panel of judges believes that Ferdy Sambo has violated Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

According to the panel of judges, considering mitigating and burdensome things when deciding for Ferdy Sambo.

The thing that incriminates Ferdy is considered complicated when giving testimony. He also committed a criminal act against his own aide and caused tremendous noise.

In addition, Ferdy Sambo is also considered to have tarnished and dragged many police officers into a legal case. Then, did not admit his actions.

"There is nothing mitigating," said the presiding judge.

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