JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin approved the idea of the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos), Tri Rismaharani, to reactivate or activate 49 centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Balai that are scattered in several parts of Indonesia have so far been unused and neglected.

This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi, who participated in the meeting between Social Minister Risma and Vice President Ma'ruf. On the occasion, Social Minister Risma conveyed the reactivation plan.

"There was an idea from Mrs. Risma, which was then approved by the Vice President, namely regarding the optimization and reform of the management of the hall which had been idle so far," Masduki said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 5.

The vice president, continued Masduki, agreed with the idea of reusing the rehabilitation center for the empowerment of the poor and neglected.

So far, most of the rehabilitation centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs are not used and Risma has the initiative to make the center a shelter for beggars and homeless people.

The rehabilitation center will later be used as a training and empowerment center so that vulnerable groups who have been neglected can have provisions to live properly.

"So that's why, now that Mrs. Risma meets scavengers in Jakarta it's really in that interest. So the program is not only social assistance (cash) but also empowerment," explained Masduki.

As a pilot area, Risma conveyed to Vice President Ma'ruf that he would use the rehabilitation centers in DKI Jakarta and Bekasi first.

Later, the Ministry of Social Affairs will provide companions for scavengers and beggars in order to gain skills, such as making cakes and utilizing trash into selling-worthy crafts.

"Later there will be a team, they will be taken to the Ministry of Social Affairs' hall where the waste will be processed. So that's where the scavengers are trained for such skills," he said.

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