TRENGGALEK - The government of Trenggalek Regency, East Java held a "ASN Idol", a kind of talent search event specifically for state civil servants to fill positions according to capacity and expertise. "This we socialized ASN Idol to 128 participants. Both functional and structural ranks that allow to participate in open position selection (JPT). This is intended to provide space so that the ideas of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) can be seen by the public," said Trenggalek Regent Mochamad Nur Arifin in Trenggalek, Sunday, February 12. Through the ASN Idolin event, Arifin or Mas Ipin hopes to be born a quality leader according to the expectations of the community. The concept of this screening model is to offer innovation and the idea of service and development programs, then uploaded in social media. "Later they will choose a subtem, send a video to the Google drive address of the selection committee, then the video we will distribute it to the public so that the public can give comments or likes (tuning thumbs/likes)," said Mas Ipin as quoted by Antara. For those who get the most comments orlikes, he said, it will be considered to be able to be reduced to a 'grand final' to be organized on February 21-23 2023, before the finalists will get a ticket to run for themselves on open job selection. "Later, we will see what configurations, because there are retired and so on. The important thing is that they choose it based on the subthe theme, not based on the structure that will be filled out," said Mas Ipin. He hopes that with the presence of qualified ASN Idolini will be able to appear, with the idea that they may not be accommodated or uncontained because so far he has only heard from the head of the service or the head of a certain Kabid, all of which can now speak on certain issues. Then we will choose the most plausible and solution issues.

Head of the Regional Personnel Agency of Trenggalek Regency, Eko Junjati added, technically, there is a view that has been made by ASN Idol participants. "So since February 10, participants who already have ideas and ideas that have been stated in the applicable regulations can be sent to us," said Eko. Furthermore, the BKD team will prepare data storage for the Google drive to be submitted regarding the sub-themes that can be selected by participants. The video collected will then be uploaded simultaneously by BKD Trenggalek on February 15 at 15.00 WIB. After that, the public can see and assess the idea of the ASN Idol participants. "As stated by the Regent, we want to explore the potential that is owned by ASN friends. Actually, we have started this since yesterday's assessment process," said Eko.

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