JAKARTA - The TNI AD 2023 Leadership Meeting (Rapim) with the theme "Professional TNI AD Patriot of the Republic of Indonesia, Ready to Support National Development" was held at the Army Headquarters (Mabesad), Jakarta, Friday, February 10.

In this activity, the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), General TNI Dudung Abdurachman emphasized to his staff that no one should be practical in politics, including all ranks. Because, in accordance with the orders of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, no TNI AD officials are practical politics, including all ranks.

"I convey to anticipate the development of the situation in this political year, so we must be neutral and must be neutral and must not side with anyone," said Dudung, Friday, February 10.

Not only that, Dudung also said that the TNI supports the government to improve the economy.

"The TNI AD touched directly in the community to help develop the economy after COVID-19. In 2023, even though PPKM has been abolished, we continue to anticipate and become our priority in the TNI AD to assist the government in the context of economic recovery," he said.

Meanwhile, superior activities in 2022, continued General TNI Dudung, such as food security, manggal air, food estate, activities to increase human resources (HR) in national value, love for the country and defending the country are still continuing.

Meanwhile, other activities carried out by the Indonesian Army in 2023 were an increase in the professionalism of Soldiers.

"Including activities that I carry out with coaching, both at the individual level to the unit level. We also discuss plans for joint training with the instructions of the TNI Commander. We will prepare and practice groups and units, we have led to the essence of threats that are currently common," he concluded.

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