BANDAR LAMPUNG - Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) said that services for installing contraceptives (alcones) for people who want to implement the Family Planning (KB) program can be carried out at 31 health centers in this city. "In addition to the 31 Puskesmas, people who have installed medical devices can also come to the Office of the Population Control and Family Planning Service (PPKB)," said Acting Head of the Bandarlampung City PPKB Service Santi Sundari in Bandarlampung, Antara, Wednesday, February 8. Services provided at the Puskesmas for the KB program, namely KB pills, injections, condoms, intra uterine devices (IUD), female surgery methods (MoW) or tubektomi and male surgery methods (MoP) or vasectomi. "All KB services are in the puskesmas and are provided free of charge," he said again. According to him, Bandar Lampung's public awareness in the KB program is quite good, in 2022 Bandarlampung residents who have received KB services are more than 57 percent. "Of course this year we will try to help people who participate in the family planning program or serve more than 57 percent of family planning," he also said. According to him, now many married couples are already smart in regulating their fertile period, so they don't use KB tools. "So there are still many couples who only use condoms or safety rubber to postpone pregnancy by calculating their fertile period. So we can't intervene so they want to join the KB program," he said again.

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