JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion appeals to Muslims in Indonesia to hold Ghaib Prayers and pray for victims of deaths due to earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria. "It was addressed to Muslims throughout Indonesia, as a form of concern for victims who died at earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, so we are advised to carry out the Ghaib Prayer to pray for victims of death," said Director of Islamic Religious Affairs and Sharia Guidance at the Directorate General of Islamic Community Guidance, Ministry of Religion, Adib, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 8, saying that the congregational Ghaib Prayers can be carried out after the implementation of Friday prayers. In Jakarta, the Istiqlal Mosque will also perform Ghaib Prayers for victims of the Turkish and Syrian earthquakes. The same thing was also conveyed by the General Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Central Leader Abdul Mu'ti. He invited Muslims in Indonesia to spoil prayers and carry out SalatGhaib so that earthquake victims are given strength and patience. "As a form of spiritual support, PP Muhammadiyah urges Muslims, especially Muhammadiyah residents to spoil prayers and Ghaib prayers for those who died," he said. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Government will distribute humanitarian assistance to Turkey to help earthquake victims in the country led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "The assistance is being prepared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and also by the Ministry of Social Affairs. It will be prepared and will be delivered as soon as possible," said President Joko Widodo.

On the other hand, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Ankara reported that field conditions were mainly in the areas most affected by the earthquake, in Hatay, which is directly adjacent to Syria, many have not been touched because of the large earthquake area covering 10 provinces. "The field conditions, especially in the most affected areas, in Hatay, many have not been touched. This is because the extent of the earthquake area which includes 10 provinces and the magnitude of earthquake damage," said the Indonesian Embassy in Ankara. The Indonesian Embassy in Ankara said the evacuation process in Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep Provinces has been relatively handled. However, there are still many buildings that have not been touched and many roads in the provinces have been blocked by buildings and cannot be traversed. Actually, many crane rental companies in the two areas, but many operators have also become victims, said the Indonesian Embassy.

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