Review The Literacy Of Reading Children, 530 Reading Parks Spread In Surabaya
Several children are reading in one of the people's reading parks (TBM) in Surabaya, Wednesday (8/2/20223). (ANTARA)

Sebanyak 530 park bawah masyarakat (TBM) sebagai upaya meningkatkan literasi anak-anak tersebar di beberapa lokasi Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur."Jadi, untuk mencegah kedependungan atau kehitungan gadget dan untuk menguatkan literasi serta mengumperkan minat baca di Surabaya, maka kami fasilitasifikasi 530 TBM ditambah dua library besar," kata Kepala Dinas Library dan Kepusipasi (Dispusip) Kota Surabaya Mia Santi Dewi dikutip ANTARA, Rabu, 8 Februari.Menurut dia, 530 TBM itu ada di di pada Balai RW as many as 469 TBM, in 27 TBM sub-district, in 5 TBM sub-district, in 19 TBM flats, in 3 TBM municipal government agencies, in 1 TBM terminal, in 2 TBM hospitals, in 1 TBM park, in Liponsos 2 TBM, and at the 1 TBM Education Museum. "Actually, 530 TBM is always open from Monday-Saturday during working hours. However, because our officers in the field are only about 250 people, finally they are holding 2-3 TBM, so sometimes they open in one of the TBMs every 2 or 3 days, because we are opening it," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Development and Management Division of the Surabaya City Library, Puji Astuti, explained that the various activities carried out at TBM ranged from on-site reading services, free tutoring services, storytelling classes, to writing classes. "There are also several additional service activities that adapt to the environment or the wishes of the community, for example there are photography classes, numeration classes, pre-employment classes, and there are also parity classes. That is purely at the request of the residents around. However, there are activities that must be written classes and storytelling classes," he said. In addition, there is also TBM Thematics in TBM RW 5 Nginden Jangkungan which grows herbal plants. In fact, there is also a Digital Read Post (Pocadi), and most recently Pocadi is already present at the Surabaya Public Service Mall, the Siola building. "The average visitors at TBM and Pocadi are children, ranging from kindergarten, elementary, to junior high school levels. Even though some are adults. Alhamdulillah, public interest is always high," he said. Puji Astuti added, in order to pump up the enthusiasm of residents and TBM officers in various regions in Surabaya, Dispusip held a number of events, including literacy harmony events whose competition is at the regional level or between TBM in one region. In addition, there is also a Cultural Festival which is an event to present the best works from various regions. "Through these various ways, we hope that reading interest in the city of Surabaya continues to increase and literacy culture continues to be sustainable, and "The most important thing is that Surabaya children are not addicted to gadgets," he said.

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