JAKARTA - The government opens the opportunity to eliminate the cost of making and extending a driving license (SIM). Many people have been waiting for this news for a long time.

However, not all people can get this facility. Only certain groups of people can access SIM free. Among other things, the poor, university students or students and UMKM actors.

This emerged after President Joko Widodo signed Government Regulation Number 76 of 2020 concerning the types and rates of PNBP that apply to the Indonesian Police.

DPR member Suryadi Jaya Purnama supports this policy. Moreover, the DPR member from the PKS faction said that this policy would ease the burden on the community.

"PKS supports the provision of fee waivers of up to Rp0 for the manufacture and extension of the SIM and continues to encourage the Government to impose a lifetime SIM, with the hope that the community will no longer be burdened with unnecessary costs and can launch community activities," said Suryadi. January.

That, he said, is certainly in line with the proposal from PKS which is fighting for a lifelong SIM, one of which aims to eliminate the cost of SIM extension and make it easier for the public to do activities.

He reminded that the SIM extension process sometimes took time due to time-consuming queues.

"This is because at the time of renewal, a medical test was carried out and the owner's photo was taken again to be printed on the new SIM," he said.

During a pandemic, said Suryadi, this was very difficult both in terms of cost, time and health because people had to set aside some of their money and gave up their productive time to queue, where this queue could pose a health risk.

"Whereas currently there are a lot of people who make a living as drivers or other professions that require driving skills. Where these people usually have economic conditions that are at the poverty line or are vulnerable to poverty, especially for people who use motorbikes as a means of production, "he said.

He argues that if the initial SIM issuance process goes well, then a person will actually become more proficient at driving over time, so that SIM extension becomes irrelevant.

"However, so that a person's driving worthiness can be monitored from a health perspective, the FPKS proposes a provision that regulates the provision of online and automatic notifications from the hospital to the police database if someone is deemed to have lost his driving ability," he said.

This, continued Suryadi, for example when someone has an accident that causes loss of their sense of sight or other important body parts, or when someone carries out certain examinations and then finds things related to losing their driving ability, it can be reported online.

Thus, he argued that only people with certain health problems needed to go through the SIM extension evaluation stage.

Meanwhile, said Suryadi, people who do not experience health problems that affect their driving ability can continue to have the SIM without having to go through the renewal process.

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