TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said he had banned flights in potential areas prone to conflicts with armed criminal groups (KKB).

This follows the incident of the burning of the Susi Air plane which lost contact shortly after landing at Paro Airport, Nduga, Papua.

Yudo admitted that several districts that have plane runways in Papua are in vulnerable areas because there are few officers at that location.

"Actually, from the start, we had forbidden time to fly. It turned out that they forced a lot of vulnerable areas because there were very few TNI and Polri officers there," said Yudo Margono after the TNI-Polri Rapim at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 8.

He said, currently the TNI and Polri are still mapping areas that are considered vulnerable and there could be disruptions to migrants.

Even so, Yudo ensured that most areas were under control and that areas that were still in the vulnerable category would have their security strengthened.

"Well, in Paro district, it's actually been safe so far, so yesterday maybe Susi Air carried out flights there, it was deemed safe, it turned out that there was a security disturbance there," Yudo explained.

Earlier, the armed criminal group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya on Tuesday (7/2), set fire to Susi Air's flagship Porter, driven by Philip Merthens from New Zealand, carrying five passengers, including a baby.

The arson was carried out by a number of KKB members at the Paro District Airport, Nduga Regency, Papua, Tuesday morning.

Susi Air's plane flew from Timika at 05.33 WIT and is scheduled to arrive at Moses Kilangin Timika Airport at 07.40 WIT.

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