SURAKARTA - The Surakarta City Police Narcotics Investigation Unit managed to secure three suspects involved in the circulation of dried marijuana and gorilla tobacco in a number of areas in Solo City. Two suspects in the marijuana case with the initials BNS (26), a resident of Boyolali and EA DPN (23) "With evidence of 990 grams of dried marijuana and is currently undergoing examination at the Surakarta Police Headquarters," said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi at a press conference at the Surakarta Police Headquarters, Antara, Wednesday, February 8. The two suspects involved in the marijuana trafficking case were arrested at a cafe on Jalan Adi Sucipto Surakarta, on January 31, 2023, at 20.30 WIB with evidence of one package weighing 8 grams. The case was revealed thanks to public information about the alleged drug trafficking. The police traced the information and then found and confirmed information at a cafe on Jalan Adi Sucipto Surakarta. The police carried out developments and conducted a search at the house of suspect EA DPN in Boyolali and found 982 grams of dried marijuana and confiscated for evidence. The suspect EA DPN admitted that he got the marijuana belonging to his friend with the initials A when both of them served their sentences in prison. Suspect EA DPN requested by A is still under investigation to retrieve marijuana at the POS office and store it to be taken when leaving the prison, but suspects BNS and EA DPN have been caught first by the police. The two suspects were charged with primer article 114 paragraph (1) Jo 132 paragraph (1) subsidiary article 111 paragraph (1) Jo 132 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 35 of 2009, concerning Narcotics. In addition, the Surakarta Police Narcotics Unit also succeeded in uncovering a case of gorilla tobacco synthetic drugs with the suspect initials AR (45), a resident of Banjarsari Solo, with 30 packages of gorilla tobacco weighing 30 grams. The police chief said the AR suspect was arrested by officers, also at a cafe on Jalan Adi Sucipto Surakarta, on Monday (30/1), at around 20.30 WIB. The suspect was arrested after placing three gorilla tobacco packages on the edge of Pleret Street, Banyuanyar Village, Banjarsari District, Solo. The police then searched the suspect and found evidence of 30 packages of gorilla tobacco, a digital scale, a jar and a cellphone. The perpetrator is currently undergoing examination at the Surakarta Police Headquarters for development. The police chief explained that the Surakarta Narcotics Investigation Unit during January 2023, had revealed 17 police reports with 22 suspects involved in drugs in the Solo area, including cases of marijuana and gorilla tobacco. Meanwhile, other suspects were involved in methamphetamine both as couriers and misuse of methamphetamine. "The suspects involved, both as dealers, couriers, and users or drug abuse, are currently still in the process of being investigated by investigators, to undergo further legal proceedings," he said.

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