Expert: New Cases Of Failed Accounting For Evidence Of Early Detection Of Weak Governments
Global health security and resilience expert Griffith University Australia Dicky Budiman (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Australia's Griffith University global health security and resilience expert Dicky Budiman stated that the findings of a new case of acute kidney failure were evidence of weak early detection of health.

This is a classic reason that has never been corrected. This means that there is no strong commitment to improving regulations. Unlike the spirit of revising or making new regulations in other sectors," said Dicky to ANTARA, Tuesday, February 7.

Dicky said that weak detection has the potential to trigger findings of other similar or similar new cases in the same form according to scientific logic. Moreover, the case of acute kidney failure is related to drugs that are freely circulated to the public.

With weak detection, each case cannot be monitored properly. He considered this to be very dangerous, because one case found could describe what kind of iceberg phenomenon actually exists in society.

Dicky assessed that the detection system for all diseases in Indonesia has not changed much in the last 20 to 30. In the context of ensuring that every drug and food is safe and quality, Indonesia is still weak and even only on the ASEAN scale.

According to him, the discovery of cases of acute kidney failure in children should be used as valuable learning as well as the momentum to improve health regulations that are still weak.

This is very important to do as a form of government concern for the quality of public health.

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