JAKARTA - A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 hit Gaziantep, Turkey's central region on Monday 6 February. The disaster caused hundreds of casualties and severe damage in many buildings. In a disaster let alone a large one, the number of victims can indeed change in seconds. Likewise with the super strong earthquake disasters that occurred in Turkey and Syria. For this reason, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives Sukamta invited the government and the Indonesian people to work together to help victims who experienced an earthquake in Turkey. "We, the Prosperous Justice Party faction, also hope that the government can gather assistance from various parties in Indonesia to help deal with this earthquake disaster. Turkey is a friendly country that has repeatedly helped Indonesia. Lastly, Turkey assisted Indonesia in handling the Cianjur earthquake. Several years ago helped in the Palu earthquake disaster. When the Aceh Tsunami, Turkey also helped Indonesia to the maximum, "explained Sukamta. As reported by several international media, rescue operations were taking place in the southern and northern Turkey region following a devastating earthquake that had caused at least 3,500 people to die. The deadly earthquake occurred on Monday morning when most people were sleeping. Then, another magnitude 7.5 vibration occurred which occurred around 13:30 local time. The disaster management Agency said more than 2,300 people died in Turkey only after the first earthquake, and more than 14,000 were injured.

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