220 Prisoners Of Salemba Detention Former Narcotics Addicts Through Medical Rehabilitation
Salemba Detention/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - As many as 220 inmates (WBP) or prisoners of the Class 1 Central Jakarta Detention Center or the Salemba Detention Center, undergo drug rehabilitation. This rehabilitation activity is carried out every year. "This medical rehabilitation activity is aimed at increasing the health capacity of our inmates who have consumed drugs. Where in consumption there is a psychological effect or physically, here there is a team from various fields to restore their abilities, their health," said Head of the Class 1 detention center of Central Jakarta Fauzi Harahap to VOI, Tuesday, February 7. Fauzi hopes that by doing drug rehabilitation, after the inmates are free to return to the community. "Hopefully that after leaving they can return in private and adapt to the community to become independent individuals," he said.

Fauzi added, as many as 220 inmates in detention have now been screened and assessed for medical rehabilitation. The assessment was carried out for 6 months for drug medical rehabilitation. "In 2023, the quota for Central Jakarta Detention Center has 220 people been carried out for 6 months. Regarding the Wbp assessment who participated in this medical rehabilitation, there has been standardization. The medical team and psychiatrists (who did the rehabilitation) were already running in the previous year," he said.

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