KENDARI - A dealer from methamphetamine type drug type D (25) is threatened with the death penalty. The suspect's confession has sold about half a kilogram of crystal methamphetamine in Kendari City. Director of the Narcotics Investigation of the Southeast Sulawesi Police Kombes Pol Bambang Tjahjo Bawono said a young man with the initials D alias H (25) was threatened with the death penalty for being suspected of being a drug dealer arrested in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. "The suspect charged under Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, imprisonment for a maximum of 20 years with a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion," said Kombes Bambang as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 6. Bambang explained that suspect D alias H had long been the target of investigating the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police's Directorate of Drug Investigation, and was successfully secured on Monday, January 23. "We have also carried out a long investigation into the suspect and indeed the TO (operation target) is our old one, where His role is very vital and the person concerned is a dealer," he said. He revealed that suspect D alias H from Benu-Benua Village, West Kendari District, Kendari is suspected of being a drug dealer. "The person concerned is in the Kendari City area. In Kendari City it has been poor across as a dealer, and this is not a small class but is already a big class for our area," he explained, initially on Monday, January 23, his party received a report that the one The person concerned was arrested by the public because he had two sachets suspected of being narcotics weighing 20.5 grams of methamphetamine. Suspect D alias H was arrested for grazing residents when they wanted to hit methamphetamine on Jalan Badak Lundu Watu, Rahandouna Village, Poasia District. The Narcotics Directorate who received the report went straight to the location and secured the man. "This started with an accident that the suspect grazed the residents and after being stopped, they were examined. "It turned out that there were two sachets of methamphetamine evidence. Then we secured it and we developed it," he explained. The police then carried out developments in the house that was used as a place or warehouse for evidence. From the results of the development, the police found a number of small clear plastics suspected of breaking methamphetamine, digital scales with a capacity of 5 kilograms, and cell phones. According to him, suspect D alias H was suspected of having previously circulated 500 grams of methamphetamine. In the Kendari City area. Even so, the police did not find any evidence during a search because it was suspected that the illegal goods had been successfully sold by the suspect. "From there we can see that the capacity in question is indeed a big dealer in our area, and in realizing it is carried out by the suspect himself," said Bambang.

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