Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Petrus Reinhard Golose stated that there was a tendency for nightclubs to become locations for narcotics trafficking after the government lifted regulations for the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

"If the place of spread was during COVID-19 from the results of our survey, many were carried out in apartments, empty houses, residences, but now there has been a tendency to go to entertainment venues," Petrus Reinhard told the press, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 6.

He conveyed this after attending the 2023 BNN Planning Conference and the Inauguration of Primary High Officials at the Grand Artos Hotel, Magelang. The activity was attended by 34 provincial BNN heads and 173 district/city BNN heads.

The head of the National Narcotics Agency said that the existence of the narcotics trafficking sites must be anticipated. "Anticipation is not only with arrests, but also with prevention," he said.

Regarding the BNN RI Planning Conference, Petrus said that the musren is an annual routine activity that has an important meaning in efforts to accelerate the prevention and eradication program for narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking (P4GN) and narcotics precursors in accordance with the theme carried out this year, namely "War on Drugs Acceleration Towards a Bersinar Indonesia".

According to him, the implementation of the musren was motivated by two important aspects, the first is that the BNN RI has a number of strategic programs, including the Bersinar Village, Community-Based Intervention, and modernization of drug crime eradication technology.

Second, BNN RI has a service program that is awaited by the public, such as a Certificate of Drug Examination Results (SKHPN), integrated assessment, rehabilitation, and P4GN information services.

Along with the superior programs and the community is waiting for them, the BNN RI needs to expand service access to all regions. This is certainly a challenge, because there are still limitations faced by BNN RI.

Therefore, to answer the existing challenges, continued Petrus, BNN RI must design and initiate the right strategy as well as equalize understanding related to the management of strategic programs and services to all ranks both at the central and regional levels.

Through this musren activity, said Petrus, BNN RI can open a coordination forum for strengthening the management of opinion excavation work programs related to the formulation of strategic policies, work program planning, and services, as well as the unification of the perspectives of all work units related to institutional policies, both strategic and technical.

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