JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy reminded the importance of health checks for brides in order to support efforts to accelerate stunting prevalence reduction. "By conducting health checks, it is possible to know the physical health conditions and reproductive health conditions of the bride-to-be," said Coordinating Minister Muhadjir, Monday, February 6. He expects through health checks to prevent anemia in prospective brides. "By preventing or correcting anemia in prospective brides, it will be able to support stunting prevention efforts, because if the bride-to-be will suffer from anemia, it is likely to suffer from anemia while pregnant. If not treated it will risk giving birth to low-born babies and increase the risk of giving birth to stunting babies," he said. Thus screening or health checks, education, as well as assistance for brides, said Muhadjir, are needed to improve public understanding and awareness. "Education, socialization, and also counseling to brides must continue to be strengthened and intensified," he said. Related to this, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture invites local governments, especially village governments, to ensure that brides in their regions have received guidance on marriage and health checks. "If necessary, village regulations can be made that emphasize mandatory reporting of three months before marriage to be carried out health guidance and examination for brides," he said. He added that the government is currently continuing to make various strategic efforts in the context of accelerating stunting reduction. The current prevalence of stunting in Indonesia based on the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) 21.6 percent. "While the government targets a reduction in stunting prevalence is expected to be down to 14 percent by 2024," he said. To support efforts to reduce stunting according to the expected target, he said, there needs to be cross-sectoral cooperation from the central to the village levels.

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