Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Ahmad Sahroni encouraged the police to carry out the ethics process of Kisruh Bripka Madih and former Polda Metro Jaya investigator with the initials TG in the 'police investigation' case related to land disputes belonging to Madhi's parents. He hopes that the 'police police officers' case will not occur in other areas.

"Because this is an individual, hurry up the propam to hear ethically. Hopefully this will not happen again to the ranks of other regional police for the attitudes of each member," Sahroni told reporters last weekend. This Nasdem Party faction politician believes the Metro Police can resolve the 'police police investigation' case.

By quickly resolving this case, according to Sahroni, it can minimize polemics that occur in the community. "I believe that the Metro Police Chief can quickly resolve the cases of its members, the sooner the better so that it does not become a polemic in the community," said Sahroni.

On another occasion, Member of Commission III of the DPR-RI, Arsul Sani, revealed that until now there are still many extortion practices carried out by police officers. However, he said, this alleged extortion case needs to be seen widely.

"That the practice of asking for money or extorting money is actually still there for our police officers, not the overall police institution. Currently, it is crowded in the police media. We have to look at this not only in this case. But in general or large problems, "said Arsul Sani.

Polda Metro Jaya said it would investigate the alleged police being blackmailed by the police. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko explained that the alleged extortion was revealed by Bripka Madih, a member of the provost Polres Metro Jakarta Tqimur. Bripka Madih admitted that he was blackmailed by investigators at Polda Metro Jaya.

Allegations of extortion occurred when Bripka Madih wanted to report the land grabbing case he experienced. Polda Metro Jaya previously will confront Bripka Madih and former investigator with the initials TG in the 'police investigation' case in the aftermath of land disputes belonging to Madih's parents. In the confrontation, Propam Polda Metro Jaya will be involved, because both parties are members of the National Police.

Currently, said Trunoyudo, the confession submitted by Bripka Madih is being investigated by investigators from the Profession and Security Division (Bid Propam) of the Polda Metro Jaya. "Currently Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the alleged extortion," he said.

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