NATUNA - The price of fresh fish at Ranai Market, Natuna, Riau Islands (Kepri) has increased from the previous IDR 25.000 to IDR 50.000 per kilogram due to extreme weather.

"It's been like that for a long time, if it's during the northern season, fish will definitely be expensive. Later, when the northern season is over, fish prices will definitely drop again to normal prices," said Sarman, a trader at the Ranai Fish Market, Natuna, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 6.

It was observed that all types of fish experienced an increase in price, such as the type of reef fish, which is usually only sold at IDR 25.000 per kilogram, rising to IDR 40.000.

As for pelagic fish, the normal price is IDR 15.000 to IDR 20.000 per kilogram, now it has reached IDR 30.000 to IDR 40.000 per kilogram.

"Even for mayuk fish, the price is IDR 50.000 per kilogram," he said.

According to Sarman, extreme weather is expected to last until March, and fish prices will return to normal depending on readiness and the number of fishermen going to sea.

"High waves and strong winds have prevented most fishermen from going out to sea, citing too high a risk," he said.

Even though fish prices have doubled, according to him, fish sales are running normally and there are still buyers every day, it's just that the supply and types of fish have decreased.

"My God, the price of fish is very high," said Dela (31) when buying fish at Ranai Market.

According to him, the price of the fish made him have to spend more spending money than previous days.

"Because if you don't have fish as a side dish, your appetite decreases. You know, we Natuna people, if you don't eat fish, you don't feel full. It's a habit to eat fish. So you have to spend more money," said Dela.

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