Distribution 22.1 Kg Of Sabu And 20,000 Excise, Napi Pekanbaru Prison Was Handed Over To The Police
Drug Illustration (Pixabay)

RIAU - A prisoner of the Class IIA Penitentiary (Lapas) Pekanbaru initials L was handed over to the Riau Police. Suspect L is suspected of being the driving force for 9 other suspects in a drug case with evidence of 22.1 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 20,000 ecstasy pills.

Pekanbaru Prison Head Sapto Winarno said L was handed over to the police for the purpose of investigating the drug case which was revealed on Thursday, January 26, 2022.

"It is true that brother L was handed over to the Riau Police on January 10, 2023, as a follow-up to the development of the drug trafficking case by the inmate with the initials L," he said in Pekanbaru, Riau, Sunday, February 5, as reported by Antara.

He said his staff participated in this disclosure by carrying out the mandate of the Director General of Corrections in implementing "3 Key to Corrections plus Back to Basic", namely; early detection of security and order disturbances, eradicating illicit drug trafficking and synergy with other law enforcement officers.

For this reason, the Pekanbaru Prison immediately conducted a raid in the room concerned and submitted the findings in the form of cellphones. From the perpetrator's cellphone, his party carried out developments and investigations so that everything was revealed.

"We will continue to improve coordination and synergy with law enforcement officials for the sake of eradicating drugs to its roots because we are committed to fighting against drugs," said Sapto.

Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Riau, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu firmly ordered his staff to immediately conduct more intensive examinations in fighting drugs.

"I have never played with drug matters. If there are employees involved in the illicit trafficking of illegal goods, they will be fired immediately. I don't want the hard work of other ranks to be damaged just because there are irresponsible people. We have been given a mandate by the Minister of Law and Human Rights to fight drugs, don't even get involved with drugs," said Jahari.

He added that his party had formed a special team to find out whether any correctional officers were involved in smuggling communication tools so that they could be dealt with firmly.

"I have repeatedly emphasized that you should never be involved in illicit drug trafficking, including in smuggling cellphones. If an officer is proven to be involved, he will be subject to disciplinary punishment to the proposed dismissal," he said.

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