The police evacuated the body of a man with the initials AY (57) who died from being electrocuted while repairing a water machine on the edge of the Tabalong River, around Bautung Market, Tanjung, South Kalimantan.

"The victim was found dead on a bamboo branch holding a water engine electric cable rope," said Tabalong Police Chief AKBP Anib Bastian in Tabalong, Saturday, February 4.

The Tabalong Police Chief emphasized that there were no signs of violence on the victim's body. The cause of death is confirmed to be due to being affected by electricity with burns to the chest and palms of the right hand.

"From the information from the victim's family, AY did not have a history of illness or was not sick," said Aneb.

Meanwhile, the victim's wife, RH, explained that initially AY left the house to repair the victim's damaged water machine on the edge of the Tabalong River on Friday at around 16.00 WITA.

However, until late at night, the victim had not returned home. The victim's wife then looked for and asked local residents for help to look for AY.

Then members of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tabalong Regency found a corpse around the scene at around 23.00 WITA.

Members of the Fire Department (BPK) and the Tabalong Police turned off the flow of water engines and immediately evacuated the victims to the Badaruddin Tanjung Hospital.

Based on the examination of the doctor guarding Badarudin Kasim Maburai Hospital, Indra Kesuma, the victim had died about five hours before the officers found him, considering that AY's body was in a stiff condition.

The family also did not want the team of doctors to autopsy the victim's body and accept the incident as a disaster.

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