JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning so that the public is aware of the potential for moderate to heavy rain in some areas in North Sumatra.

"Be aware of rain with moderate to heavy intensity in the mountainous areas, east Lereng, and the West Coast of North Sumatra which can cause floods and landslides," said Medan BBMKG forecaster Lestari Irene Purba, Saturday, February 4.

In general, the weather in North Sumatra in the next two days will be cloudy in the morning and has the potential for light rain in the Nias Islands, Serdang Bedagai, and Batubara and surrounding areas.

During the afternoon and evening have the potential to rain with light to moderate intensity in most areas of North Sumatra

Malam has the potential to rain with heavy intensity Dairi, Toba, Samosir, Pakpak Bharat, Sibolga, North Tapanuli, Tapanuli Tengah, Tapanuli Selatan, Pandang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas and surrounding areas.

Early days of cloudyness and the potential for light rain in the Serdang Bedagai, Tebing Tinggi, Asahan Batubara, Tapanuli Tengah, South Tapanuli, View Lawas, North Padang Lawas, and South Labuhanbatu and its surroundings.

While the average air temperature is 18.0 32.0 degrees Celsius, humidity is 65 98 percent, and the wind blows from the Northwest Northeast / 10 30 km/hour.

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