Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas reminded his staff to eliminate all corrupt practices. Especially in all processes of implementing the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) program.

"I ask that we all commit to eliminating corrupt practices at the Ministry of Religion," said the Minister of Religion quoting Antara, Saturday, February 4.

Minister of Religion Yaqut said that the decline in Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (GPA) in 2022 from 38 to 34 should be a common concern. All levels of the Ministry of Religion must contribute to the good practice of bureaucracy, so that the culture of corruption is getting eroded and lost.

He also urged the leadership of the work unit to make a circular prohibiting corrupt practices in the work environment and educational institutions.

According to him, efforts to eliminate corrupt practices must start from simple things, such as not absent, not cheating on exams for students, not receiving or giving gratuities, and others.

"There should be no fraud in the procurement of goods or services. There should be no transactional practice in promotion, rotation and transfer of positions," he said.

In addition, said the Minister of Religion, all levels of the Ministry of Religion must also be able to provide a quick, clear, detailed response to all religious issues and problems that occur in the community.

"The Ministry of Religion must be involved intensively in efforts to clear up every crucial issue in the community, through effective and educational explanations, both directly and through publication content in conventional and digital media," he said.

With regard to digital transformation, Minister of Religion Yaqut requested that the implementation be accelerated. Electronic-Based Government System Policies (SPBE) and One Data must be improved in the quality of implementation.

"So, the government's excellent service, especially the Ministry of Religion, can be immediately felt by the community," he said.

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