JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Agency noted that the high water level at the Pasar Ikan and Marina Monitoring Post, North Jakarta, was in alert status or alert three status in the early hours of the morning.
Based on data from the DKI Jakarta SDA Service, at 03.00 WIB, the water level at the Pasar Ikan was -124 centimeters (cm) in the river and 185 cm in the sea which put it on alert status with cloudy weather around the site.
While at the monitoring post, the Marina Watergate is at 158 ​​centimeters (cm) in the river and 180 cm in the sea, which also puts it on alert status and with cloudy weather around the site.
Meanwhile, the water level at 11 other SDA Office monitoring posts around Jakarta is at normal status.
DKI Jakarta SDA Agency noted that the water level in Pesanggrahan was at 90 cm with overcast weather; the Angke Hulu post is at a position of 40 cm with light cloudy weather; Katulampa post at a position of 10 cm with light cloudy weather.
Then the Depok post is in a position of 90 cm with cloudy weather; Manggarai post at 640 cm with cloudy weather; Krukut Hulu post at a position of 50 cm with cloudy weather.
Karet Post is at 300 cm in drizzly weather; Pluit Reservoir post at -190 cm with cloudy weather; the Cipinang Hulu post at a position of 120 cm with cloudy weather; the Sunter Hulu post at a position of 120 cm with cloudy weather; Pulogadung post at 330 cm with cloudy weather.
The SDA Service noted that the weather in five areas of Jakarta, namely Central, West, South, North, and East Jakarta, at the time this data was published, was in cloudy conditions.
Previously, the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) asked residents to be aware of the possibility of coastal flooding (rob) until 6 February 2023 in several areas of North Jakarta.
"The phenomenon of the full moon phase has the potential to increase the maximum tide height which has the potential to cause coastal flooding (rob)," wrote the DKI Jakarta BPBD in its early warning in Jakarta, Thursday (2/2).
BPBD DKI Jakarta writes that coastal flooding is expected to occur on 2-6 February 2023, every 07.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB.
The coastal flooding is expected to have an impact on nine areas, such as Kamal Muara, Kapuk Muara, and Penjaringan.
Then in the Pluit, Ancol, Kamal, Marunda, Cilincing and Kalibaru areas. All of these areas are located in the Administrative City of North Jakarta.
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