JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono designed a program to dredge mud deposits in rivers and reservoirs in the capital city until the dry season.

"We will also dredge it until summer," said Heru while planting trees in Penjaringan District, North Jakarta, Thursday, February 2, as reported by Antara.

In addition to rivers and reservoirs, primary and secondary channels to connecting channels at a number of points in Jakarta are also dredged to control inundation or flooding in residential areas.

In addition to dredging, he continued, the DKI Water Resources Service (SDA) also alerted pumps to suck water when a flood occurred.

Based on data from the DKI SDA Service until January 27, 2023, the total volume of mud that has been dredged in 38 reservoir locations, ponds, reservoirs and rivers has reached 418,365 cubic meters (m3).

This achievement is 51.8 percent of the total target of 808,272 cubic meters of mud. The DKI SDA Service recorded that there were 40 locations for the dredging plan, 11 of which had not yet started dredging.

The most dredging locations are in North Jakarta and East Jakarta with 10 points each and in Central Jakarta and West Jakarta with eight points each.

The dredging waste is then accommodated at the disposal site at the mud disposal facility (confined disposal facility/CDF) in Ancol, North Jakarta.

The dredging was carried out by hundreds of officers and heavy equipment to dredge mud spread across five areas in DKI.

The SDA office has 494 stationary pumps in good condition and 461 mobile pumps throughout DKI Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the number of personnel, the DKI SDA Service has 4,179 blue troop personnel and pump and floodgate operators reaching 1,753 people as of December 2022.

For the number of heavy equipment, the DKI SDA Office noted that 230 heavy equipment were ready to be used, supported by 464 trucks, one of which was used to transport the mud waste.

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