RIAU - Pekanbaru Police dismantled the household industry for the manufacture of ecstasy pills on Jalan Pangeran Hidayat, Tanah Datar Village, Pekanbaru City, Riau.

From the disclosure of the case, the Head of the Pekanbaru Police Narcotics Unit, Kompol Manapar Situmeang, said that his party had secured 53.21 grams of ecstasy-making powder and 73 ecstasy pills ready to be printed.

"We managed to catch S (58) and PY (46) who are the people behind the illegal goods industry," he said in Pekanbaru, Riau, Monday, January 30.

Based on the results of the investigation and investigation, Manapar said the perpetrators were also drug dealers of ecstasy pills in Pekanbaru.

"The role of this perpetrator is as an ecstasy pill narcotics dealer. From the test results, the urine of the positive perpetrators contained methamphetamine and amphetamine," he explained.

The disclosure began when his team revealed a case of 60 ecstasy pills on January 21, after the development was carried out, it was discovered that the place was the location for the ecstasy pills.

"After an investigation and investigation was carried out, the team managed to arrest perpetrator S along with a female friend," he said.

During the search, he continued, the Pekanbaru Police Satreskoba managed to secure printed ecstasy pills and raw materials for ecstasy pills.

"We also found 73 ecstasy pills ready to be distributed. The plan is that these pills will be circulated in an empty house right in front of perpetrator S's house," he said.

As a result of his actions, he said, the perpetrator was suspected of Article 114 Jo 112 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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