TANGERANG In the aftermath of throwing a bus stone from Persis Solo's group by Persita Tangerang supporters, causing chaos, the police considered licensing the Persita Tangerang match at the Indomilk Stadium.

"This will be our evaluation in the future whether it will be appropriate to hold (a football match) in our area in Tangerang," said South Tangerang Police Chief (Tangsel) AKBP Faisal Febrianto to reporters, Monday, January 30.

Faisal revealed, if it does not close the possibility of football matches in the jurisdiction of the South Tangerang Police, it will be eliminated.

"If it is not appropriate, we suggest doing it outside our territory," he said.

Separately, the Head of the Tangerang Persita Organizing Committee, Tommy Kurniawan, admitted that he had no problem if the police decision prohibited any football matches at the Indomilk Stadium, Tangerang Regency.

"We leave it to the police, because those who provide recommendations and assessments of other matches will be carried out by the South Tangerang jurisdiction, meaning that the management and committee depend on the police to provide recommendations," he concluded.

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