The fifth day of the search for two missing fishermen in the waters of the West Coast of Lampung experienced problems. Bad weather in the form of high waves made the search for fishermen on behalf of Ujang Sasmita and Holis temporarily suspended.

"For the obstacles until the fifth day, we are constrained by natural factors, bad weather in accordance with BMKG predictions for wind conditions has also changed, and wave heights are also relatively high for the West Coast region," said the Coordinator of the SAR Tanggamus Post, Hendra Wahyu Putra, Monday, January 30, confiscated by Antara.

Today, Wahyu said the joint SAR team consisting of three teams or SRU was deployed to conduct searches at a number of predetermined points.

"The first SRU used the Basarnas jukung to search for coordinates that had been determined to be 6 nautical miles, the second SRU used a fishing boat, the third SRU monitored the person along the West Coast coast," he said.

However, the search after hours has not yielded results and was decided to be temporarily suspended due to extreme weather.

"Until now, the fifth day of our search for the joint SAR team has not produced any results and until now the search is still nil," he said.

It is known that this incident began on Thursday, January 26 at 03.30 WIB, fishermen from Ujang and Holis went to sea to look for fish through Kuala Stabas Pier, Krui, West Coast Regency, Lampung, using an outboard motorboat with 15 PK engines.

However, after 22.00 WIB, both of them have not returned to the mainland. Even though the Ujang and Holis ships usually docked at 15.00 WIB. The ship's person in charge then reported the disappearance of the two fishermen to the officers.

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