BOGOR Fraud and embezzlement of Rizky Maulana's N-Max motorcycle in Tanah Sareal, Bogor City, was successfully uncovered by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Sareal Police, Bogor City Police, West Java Police. The perpetrator's mode of carrying a motorbike when tested by a road (test drive)

Now the perpetrator AW, a resident of Kedaung Village, Pamulang District, South Tangerang Regency, must languish behind bars at the Tanah Sareal Police Station to be held accountable for his actions.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso explained that the fraud and embezzlement case began when victim Rizky was about to sell his Yamaha N-Max motorbike on January 11, 2023.

"He posted the N-Nax motorbike in 2022 or advertised it on Facebook at a price of Rp. 30 million," said Kombes Bismo in his statement, Monday, January 30.

Seeing the advertisement, the perpetrator AW who pretended to be a buyer contacted the victim, as well as asked for his address. After getting the address, the perpetrator rushed to the victim's house in Kumbutuh Sawah Village, Cibadak Village, Tanah Sareal District, Bogor City.

The perpetrator came with two women, one of whom was recognized as the perpetrator's mother. Coming using a car grab," explained Kombes Bismo.

Arriving at the victim's house, the perpetrator bid for the N-Max motorbike. Like to test, he then asked the victim for the motorcycle key.

"At that time the victim was not suspicious because he wanted to test the motorbike alone, while the two women were staying," explained Kombes Bismo.

However, after a few hours when the perpetrator did not return, the victim began to suspect. He then asked the two women. The perpetrator was shocked because the two women only got to know the perpetrator.

The two women admitted that they had just met, asked to help with the perpetrators to help bid on the motorbike. He was promised a fee of some money," explained Kombes Bismo.

Feeling cheated, the perpetrator then reported to the Tanah Sareal Police, Bogor City Police. The Tanah Sareal Police Criminal Investigation Unit moved quickly to carry out an investigation.

Separately, the Head of the Tanah Sareal Police, Kompol Surya, said that after 18 days of investigation, his party managed to secure AW.

"He was secured in his rented house in the Pabuaran Cibinong area, Bogor Regency. However, the N-Max motorcycle has been sold by the perpetrators and is currently being developed," said Kompol Surya.

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