JAKARTA - Kapolrestabes Medan Kombes Pol Riko Sunarko said that the highest case in 2020 in the Medan District Police jurisdiction was a fraud case.

"The highest case in 2020 is fraud," he said during a year-end press conference at the Medan Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Thursday.

Apart from the fraud case, he said, the 3C case, namely curat (heavy theft), curas (violent theft) and curanmor (motor vehicle theft) also still dominated.

He detailed the number of curas cases throughout 2020, namely 289 cases, 1,028 curas cases and 1,072 curas cases.

Of these, he said, 275 cases of curas were successfully disclosed, with 196 suspects. Meanwhile, there were 969 cases with 639 suspects.

"For the curanmor case, a total of 993 cases were successfully revealed with 285 suspects," he said.

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