Great, Gotong Royong Residents Of Cibinong Build Free Islamic Boarding Schools
The inauguration of the Al Qur'an Campus Widya Silahudin Sidiq which is located on Jalan Roda Pembangunan, Nanggewer Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency (VOI)

BOGOR - Residents in Nanggewer Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency took the initiative to pioneer free Islamic boarding schools for orphans.

Pesantren with the name Al Qur'an Widya Silahudin Sidiq Campus is located on Jalan Roda Pembangunan, Nanggewer Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency.

This campus accommodates underprivileged residents combined with skills lessons ranging from kindergarten level (TK) to vocational high school (SMK).

Campus pioneer, Widya Burlian Al-Kalabi said that her struggle was to establish free Islamic boarding schools for underprivileged children economically and socially.

He also collaborated with a number of stakeholders to jointly build this religious-based campus.

Widya said, children's guiding activities already have a forum in the form of a waqf pesantren building from the KH Udjang Sidiq Foundation.

The inauguration of the building was also attended by the Chairman of Commission III of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Tuti Alawiyah, Chairman of P2TP2A Euis Kuriniasih Hidayat and representatives from UIN Jakarta Dr Suryadinata.

"I have been pioneering for 10 years, embracing children from the streets, orphans, orphans from one place to another. Thank God we met the father (Silahudin) who had the same vision and mission to establish this pesantren," Widya said in his statement, Sunday, January 29.

Widya, who has a journalist's background, said that along with his 10-year journey, he had guided 50 students.

The 30 students are still actively studying with them, while the other 20 have graduated and worked or continued their studies.

He also recounted the beginning of making this free pesantren.

They start from the learning process with makeshift equipment from kindergarten level to vocational school.

Initially, his actions embraced the children to go to school and have skills called local residents in several locations as Sanggar Widya.

Over time, he said, his habit of writing and communicating with various groups made his concern for disadvantaged children begin to grow.

Their activities to guide them lead to tahfidz Quran and business skills driven by individual donors to national and international educational institutions.

"Finally, we had time to build a classroom on the school land belonging to another foundation, then we donated it. We started again, paid in installments, bought computers and studied at home until now there has been a building from the Silahudin Sidiq Foundation," he said.

In the future, said Widya, on this 1,000 meter land, the students will be trained to become tahfidz Quran and coupled with expertise and skills that can make them independent in pursuing their dreams.

This pesantren also joins one of the educational institution partners in Australia, namely the Hunting tower School Australia and Saudi Arabia.

"One of our students is now in the process of continuing to study and get scholarships at King Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia. We also have cooperation assistance from Australia," he said.

Chairman of the KH Udjang Sidiq Foundation, namely Haji Silahudin Sidiq, revealed that the emotion felt for his extended family because now his father's dream was to create a pesantren as a result of collaboration with educational fighters for orphans and poor people.

"We thank everyone, thank you to Mrs. Widya, my father's dreams are now realized. Hopefully the children will be pious and pious and donors of the blessings of their lives. Hopefully this pesantren will soon get legality from the government, we are in the process of waiting for it," he said.

Chairman of Commission III of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Tuti Alawiyah, appreciated the step of establishing the Widya Silahudin Sidiq Islamic Boarding School with a long struggle and was able to educate students to become hafidz 30 juz and even get scholarships up to King Abdul Aziz University.

For outstanding students to become Hafidz Quran, said Tuti, they will get Umrah tickets as a form of appreciation and support from him.

Tuti is also committed to fighting for road infrastructure around the pesantren so that the students can be better accessible.

In addition, the Islamic boarding school which is still one floor will also be the attention of the council in the future to realize an initial design of up to three floors.

The inauguration of the Al Qur'an Campus Widya Silahudin Sidiq, which is located on Jalan Roda Pembangunan, Nanggewer Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency.

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