Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD admitted that the Government was also surprised to learn of the verdict of the West Jakarta District Court (PN Jakbar) which released the boss of KSP Indosurya Henry Surya.
He conveyed that the Government would appeal the decision of the Supreme Court which acquitted the defendant of fraud and embezzlement of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP).
"We must not lose to upholding the law and the truth of the Attorney General's office will appeal," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, January 29.
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs said the case had been discussed for a long time and was clearly the perfect legal act as a criminal offense. He regretted the West Jakarta District Court's decision, which was clearly 23 thousand plaintiffs, not people who were members of cooperatives but kept money at KSP Indosurya.
This, he stressed, went to money laundering. However, it is unfortunate that the Supreme Court even acquitted Henry, who allegedly cheated and embezzled funds of up to Rp106 trillion.
"We don't need to respect (the West Jakarta District Court decision) but we can't avoid it. It can't be anything because it's the West Jakarta District Court's decision because the indictment is a clear violation of Article 46 of the Banking Law, collecting funds from the public even though he is not a bank, without permission. That's clear," he said.
In addition to filing an appeal, he continued, the Government will also implement the PKP decision of Pradilan Niafa which has won the Government and customers to take assets from the defendant and then distribute them.
"That's the court's decision, the only problem is that now the management is still the old one, we will take legal steps," he said.
Previously, the West Jakarta District Court Panel of Judges considered Henry's actions not to be criminal but civil. Even though the prosecutor's demands could make the Indosurya boss charged with 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 billion, subsidiary of 1 year in prison.
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