JAKARTA - Political Analysts and Executive Director of Algebra Strategic Arifki Chaniago said the plan for the Amendment Coalition which consists of the NasDem Party, the Democratic Party, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has the potential to become a discourse only than realized. "The plan for the Coalition of Amendments for 2024 has the potential to become a discourse that is only a big plan," said Arifki in a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, January 28. He considered this because at a time when the Democratic Party expressed its seriousness towards the Coalition of Change, the NasDem Party actually held a relationship with the Gerindra-PKB coalition at the Joint Secretariat (Sekber) of the Gerindra-PKB Party, Jakarta, Thursday, January 26. In addition, he said, the Democrat Party had declared its support for Anies Baswedan to run as a presidential candidate. However, he questioned the lack of attitude from PKS in supporting Anies Baswedan as the Democratic Party. "The coalition of this change seems to be withging before developing. In the past, NasDem was waiting for Democratic and PKS certainty to support Anies Baswedan. However, at this time it seems that Democrats are waiting for NasDem's seriousness to continue the coalition," he also said. According to him, the different narrative played by the NasDem Party and the Democratic Party showed that the Change Coalition has its own way. "Democrats want to sit together, while NasDem wants to return home," he also said.

In addition, he assessed that the potential for the Change Coalition was only a discourse because of a meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the General Chair of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (26/1). He indicated that there were doubts as well as other opportunities from the NasDem Party in continuing the Coalition of change, which was due to news of reshuffle or reshuffle'' of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet which led to ministers from the NasDem Party because the party had declared Anies Baswedan as a candidate for president of the 2024 Election. According to him, Surya Paloh's meeting with President Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) might be a signal that the two figures were fine or there were other interests that caused these two figures to re-make a re-deal. "It could be possible? NasDem will again be an important part of the Jokowi government with the guarantee of maintaining its ministers in the cabinet. Other requirements would certainly support the presidential candidate carried out by Jokowi in 2024," he said. Previously, Thursday (26/1), Democratic Party Chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono officially announced that his party was carrying Anies Baswedan forward in the 2024 Presidential Election. For Democrats, Mas Anies is a figure of change and improvement,'' said AHY. He also emphasized and left it entirely to Anies to determine the figure of the vice presidential candidate who would accompany him in the 2024 General Election. Meanwhile, Friday (27/1), Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syura Council Sohibul Iman appreciated the steps of the Democratic Party for his political stance. PKS is still in the process of finalizing support within the party. As already stated, it is a matter of party declaration per party, depending on the internal process of each party and we respect that right, "said Sohibul Iman.

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