JAKARTA - The act of revenge is the alleged motive behind former Blitar Mayor Muhammad Samanhudi Anwar being the mastermind behind the crime of robbery at the Blitar Mayor's official residence, Santoso. The East Java Police said they were still investigating the allegation.

"The motive is still being investigated but this is a technical matter," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, to VOI, Saturday, January 28.

However, Dirmanto was reluctant to speculate when he was further mentioned about the alleged motive for revenge. In fact, he seemed to state that the motive behind the robbery allegedly being masterminded by Samanhudi would not be opened at the investigation stage.

This is because the spokesman for the East Java Regional Police said that everything in the case would be open in the trial process. "(Motif, red) It will be seen at trial," said Dirmanto.

Previously, Samanhudi, who was mentioned about the alleged revenge, denied it. At that time, investigators escorted him to the examination room after being arrested, admitted that he did not know anything about the robbery of the official house.

"Opo, I don't know I don't know. Sopo sing revenge?" he said.

Former Mayor of Blitar Muhammad Samanhudi Anwar was arrested for being strongly suspected of being the mastermind behind the robbery. Because, he played an informant while both languishing in Sragen Prison.

"Gives information on the existence of a place to store money and a good time to carry out the action," said East Java Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto.

Meanwhile, the official residence of the Mayor of Blitar Santoso was visited by robbers on December 12, 2022, in the early hours of the morning. Five perpetrators entered the official residence area and detained three Blitar City Satpol PP on duty.

At the time of the incident, the perpetrator also had time to damage the CCTV decoder. The perpetrator took away cash and jewelry worth around Rp. 400 million.

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