JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government will change the LRT phase 2 route to the Pulogadung-Kebayoran Lama route. This change is in line with the orders of the central government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation because the LRT construction coincides with the MRT project that the government will work on.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that currently the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is reviewing changes in the route of the Pulogadung-Kebayoran Lama LRT route which intersects. The crush of the LRT and MRT routes is 14 km in the Pulogadung area.

"Now, as soon as there is information from the (Transportation) Ministry to look for other routes or alternatives, that is what we are reviewing," said Syafrin at City Hall, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 5.

Syafrin said that the study being carried out by the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency refers to the macro transportation pattern in Jakarta. The redirection of the route that is taken will choose the green line guide and the blue line.

"In the macro transportation pattern there are LRT markers for the blue line and green line. This is what we look back on for that which we turn on," he said.

The central government asked the DKI Pemprov to cancel the phase 2 LRT route for the Pulogadung-Kebayoran Lama route because it coincided with the Cikarang-Balaraja MRT project plan. The MRT line has already been matured, although work on the two projects will begin this year.

In addition, the central government considers that the Phase 2 LRT development plan is not in accordance with Regional Regulation No.1 of 2012 concerning the Jakarta Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) 2030. Then, there is no nomenclature of the LRT development plan in the spatial structure plan map.

DKI DPRD Commission B member Gilbert Simanjuntak thinks that the DKI Provincial Government has violated Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 55 of 2018 concerning the Jabodetabek Transportation Master Plan (RITJ).

"Referring to the RITJ signed by President Jokowi, all planning integrates into it. Not then playing to make plans as if they are not connected with the central government. Everything must be integrated into one platform, namely RITJ," said Gilbert.

Moreover, at this time the DKI Provincial Government has not made an official request for route determination to the Ministry of Transportation. In fact, the construction of the Pulogadung-Kebayoran Lama LRT has been budgeted for in the 2020 DKI Regional Budget. Inevitably, DKI has to change the coinciding LRT route.

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