JAKARTA - Former Justice Minister Muladi died at 6.45 WIB at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital (RSPAD) today, Thursday, December 31.

This sad news was conveyed by a member of the DPD RI for the 2019-2024 period, Jimly Asshiddiqie. The former head of the Constituent Court asked the public to pray that Muladi will be accepted by God.

"Innalillahi wwa inna ilaihi rojiuun. Prof. Dr. Muladi. SH. (Former Chancellor of UNDIP, Minister of Justice and State Secretary) reportedly passed away at 6.45 this morning. Let's pray for the late husnulkhotimah and be accepted in the best place by Allah AWT. Alfatihah. Amiin , "wrote Jimly in his Twitter account @JimlyAs.

Constitutional Law Expert, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, is also sorry to hear the news of Muladi's death. For Yusril, Muladi is a legal expert who has broad insight and useful knowledge for his successors.

"The sad news came to me this morning, Prof. Dr. Muladi SH passed away. A few minutes I was stunned to hear it. I felt close to him during his life. He is an authoritative legal scientist and left a legacy of criminal law theories that are very valuable in the future, "Yusril said on his Twitter account @yusrilihza_Mhd.

For information, Muladi is an academic, judge and politician in the country. He has served as Chancellor of Dipenogoro University, as well as being a senior at the Golkar Party.

In the seat of government and institutions, Muladi was Minister of Justice during the President Soeharto era, Minister of State Secretary under President BJ Habibie, former Supreme Court Judge, and former Governor of the National Defense Institute.

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