TANGERANG - Tangerang City Metro Police followed up on the terrorist act of throwing 20 cobras even though his party had not received a report from the victim, Wahidin Halim, the former governor of Banten.

"We are still checking and investigating the information and until now we have not received a report," said the Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho in a short message, Wednesday, January 25.

Zain explained that his party had conducted a crime scene (TKP) at Wahidin Halim's private house. The goal is to find out the truth of the case.

"After receiving this information, we immediately went to the location to conduct an in-depth investigation," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the house of the former Governor of Banten, Wahidin Halim, was terrorized by an unknown person. There were 20 snake types that were thrown by the page of the Nasdem Party member.

Wahidin Halim confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Wednesday, January 25, in the early hours of the morning.

He admitted that he was not surprised by the incident. This is considered normal in the world of politics.

"Usually, uncivilized politics, political crimes in various ways are terrorizing, but I am not afraid," Wahidin said at his home on Jalan Haji Jiran, Pinang, Tangerang City, Wednesday, January 25.

Regarding the incident, he also admitted that he was reluctant to take it seriously. Wahidin also did not want to report it to the police.

"We just told the police that someone threw a cobra at home. That's enough," he concluded.

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