SUKOHARJO The murder case of a junior high school student with the initials El (14), in the empty garden behind the KCRI karaoke, in Pandeyan Village, Grogol District, on Monday, January 23, has been revealed. The perpetrator with the initials NTH (21) is a silver man who often looks for money on the side of the road. The perpetrator kills the victim in a heinous way. What is the chronology?

NTH's meeting with victims of EI through the MiChat application. NTH ordered paid sexual services. Both agreed that the instant sex service was worth IDR 300 thousand for an hour at a hotel that was said to have been booked.

However, when the two met at the hotel, NTH admitted that the room could not be booked because it was full. NTH also invited the victim to transact at his boarding houses.

"However, when meeting the perpetrators, the perpetrator said that the hotel was full. The perpetrator then asked the victim to move to the perpetrator's boarding house in the Kartasura area," said the Police Chief.

After finishing the first session, the perpetrator wanted to be taken back by the victim on the grounds that it was not yet an hour. But the victim asked the perpetrator to pay for it again in the same amount. That's where the conflict started.

Sukoharjo Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan explained that the perpetrator was annoyed that he thought the victim had broken it, and again asked for the same payment if he wanted to be served again.

"Hearing this, the victim became emotional and irritated. Starting from this anger, the perpetrator then took the victim to Sukoharjo and planned to kill the victim," explained AKBP Wahyu in a written statement, Wednesday, January 25.

On the way to Sukoharjo using a motorbike, the perpetrator and the victim were around the KCRI karaoke. The victim, who was using a black Mio motorbike, turned his motorbike in the back or an empty garden. This is where the perpetrator vented his emotions.

"The perpetrator smothered the victim and stabbed him with a knife that had been brought from the boarding house to the victim's chest. It didn't stop there, the perpetrator also stabbed the victim in the neck using a screwdriver about 7-8 times," added AKPB Wahyu.

It was on the neck that most likely made the victim die. After the victim fell down, the perpetrator took the cellphone and money that had been paid to the previous victim and fled.

The perpetrator then threw evidence of the victim's screwdriver and bag onto a bridge in Semanggi, Solo. The perpetrator then returned to the boarding house and took a bus to East Java. The Resmob team, which had received an idea that the perpetrators were then hunting down and tracking down the whereabouts of the perpetrators.

"On Tuesday (24 January) afternoon at around 17.00 WIB, the police managed to find the perpetrator in the Waru Sidoarjo area, East Java. The plan is that this perpetrator will escape to Kalimantan," said the Police Chief.

The perpetrators will be charged with multiple articles, namely, 338, 339 of the Criminal Code concerning murder, 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder, Article 365 of the Criminal Code and the Child Protection Law.

"The threat is life imprisonment to the death penalty," explained the Police Chief.

When questioned, the suspect admitted that he would flee to Kalimantan where his wife and children were. But the plan failed because the police had already arrested him first.

Based on police records, this perpetrator is a recidivist in a theft case who recently got out of prison.

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