LAMPUNG - The Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) has stated that it will continue to make 31 health centers spread across its territory for the implementation of the second COVID-19 booster vaccination or the fourth dose.

"So the current puskesmas will still serve the fourth dose of vaccination, this is so that the public can easily reach this second booster vaccination service," said Acting Head of the Bandar Lampung City Health Office Desti Mega Putri, in Bandar Lampung, Wednesday, January 25, confiscated by Antara.

He said the COVID-19 vaccination service at the puskesmas is always open during working hours. So that people who need vaccination can directly come to the nearest health center in their area.

"The vaccination service remains free of charge as before, the public simply shows the identity card to the vaccination officer, to note," he said.

He also revealed that the COVID-19 vaccination service at the puskesmas is not only for people who want to vaccinate the fourth dose but also for those who want to carry out the first and second doses of vaccination.

"But this vaccination service can only be implemented if there are 10 to 12 people who want to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Because the number of vaccine doses is one vial for 12 people, if only three to four people come to health services, unfortunately, the rest cannot be used on different days," he said.

In addition, he also said that the COVID-19 vaccination services located in a number of malls and outlets in this city were also maintained to serve the community.

"We also remain not in the mall but only for Saturdays and Sundays. This step is taken to make it easier for the public to get the second booster vaccine, including to maximize vaccination achievements in this city," he said.

He also said that the stock of COVID-19 vaccines in Bandarlampung City is still sufficient.

"For the stock of vaccines, it's still enough, but when we don't have enough, we will immediately ask the province. So whatever stock is needed, it's always there," he said.

Based on the page, there are still 30,671 doses of vaccine stocks in Bandar Lampung.

Meanwhile, the achievement of the first dose of vaccine in Bandar Lampung amounted to 891,147 people and the second dose was 775,286 people, then the third dose of vaccine or the first booster was 289,777 people. Meanwhile, the fourth dose of vaccine or the second booster only reached 6,534 people.

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