JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Nawawi Pomolanggo, admitted that he still has several outstanding corruption cases that have caught the public's attention. The KPK promised to resolve this case by 2021.

"The KPK will continue to strive to resolve this case in the coming year in order to achieve the principles of legal certainty and justice," said Nawawi at the KPK building, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 30.

The cases that are in arrears include the alleged corruption of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL) with suspects Sjamsul Nursalim and Itjih Nursalim; case of alleged corruption in the procurement of three units of Quay Container Crane (QCC) at PT Pelindo II with the suspect, former President Director of PT Pelindo II, RJ Lino.

Then, the case of alleged bribery for the management of Interim replacement (PAW) of DPR members with the suspect former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku; and the case of alleged corruption in the e-KTP project with the suspect President Director of PT Shandipala Arthaputra, Paulus Tanos.

In the case of SKL BLBI, Nawawi stated that the KPK would try to complete the investigation of Sjamsul and Itjih who had been fugitives since mid-2019. This is because the Supreme Court (MA) through the Cassation decision has released the former Head of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA), Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung from the prison sentence in the case.

"The decision to release the defendant from all legal charges (onslag van alle rechtsvervolging) resulted in two suspects still in the process of being investigated. Investigators are still trying to resolve the case," said Nawawi.

For the corruption case at PT Pelindo II, the KPK faces obstacles in calculating state financial losses. This is because the company from China, Wuxi Huangdong Heavy Machinery (HDHM), which is implementing the project, is reluctant to submit the QCC price document they sold to PT Pelindo II.

To overcome these obstacles, the KPK is collaborating with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to calculate state financial losses.

Nawawi said the KPK had received a report on the calculation of state losses from the BPK related to maintenance. Currently, said Nawawi, the KPK is waiting for BPK to finalize the calculation of losses related to the QCC procurement.

"Currently, BPK is in the process of calculating state losses for procurement from QCC by PT Pelindo II," said Nawawi.

For the alleged PAW bribery case for DPR members, Nawawi emphasized that the KPK is still trying to hunt down Harun Masiku who has been on the wanted list (DPO) or a fugitive since January 17, 2020. In an effort to hunt down Harun, the KPK continues to coordinate with the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"And monitoring or monitoring the whereabouts of the suspect HM (Harun Masiku)," he explained.

Regarding the e-KTP corruption case, the KPK encountered obstacles because Paulus Tanos was abroad. Paul is reportedly in Singapore. For this reason, the KPK is still looking for existence through coordinating with the Singapore anti-corruption agency or the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

"In addition, (KPK) collaborated with PPATK to find out the flow of money and assets resulting from corruption from the suspects," said Nawawi.

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