SOLO - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka leaked the results of a discussion with the Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, Tuesday, January 24. He admitted that Prabowo was advised to run in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. Gibran said one of the things discussed in the discussion was related to the election for the governor to be held next year. "There is a discussion, already in four eyes. If you don't discuss it, it's a loss, no," he was quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 25. He also admitted to getting advice from his former rival father during the 2014 and 2019 Presidential Election. "(The advice) is forward. Wis is clear to wingi to (as explained yesterday, right), going forward," he said. Don't ask about the province to be targeted for the 2024 Pilkada, he said, there are two choices, namely DKI Jakarta and Central Java. "Yes, wis kui (yes), there is nothing heavy if we work together and join hands," he said. Even so, he has not been able to confirm whether the Gerindra Party will cooperate for the 2024 Pilkada contestation. "Later only, finish this first (the work in Solo). Don't ask about the Pilkada continues," he said. Previously, the day before, on the day after eating dinner with Gibran at the Loji Gandrung Service House, Prabowo said he would support Gibran's steps to run as a candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta and Central Java. "Beliau (Gibran) just right. I support it, I think I support it from the first support it. I said two (DKI Jakarta and Central Java), both of them must be successful," he said.

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