JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo asked every parent not to try to provide foreign food such as coffee to infants and toddlers because of the bad effects and make addiction. "I think giving tea or coffee to toddlers is a separate trick. Children are not for trial. Never try it on children, also don't try it," said Hasto Wardoyo when met by ANTARA in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 25. Hasto emphasized that coffee contains caffeine that can prevent adults from getting sleepy. While other sweet drinks such as tea tend to contain a lot of theorephyline substances. "When given to toddlers and babies, this content can be really dangerous because it has effects that interfere with the absorption of micronutrients, iron to vitamins from each food consumed by children. Moreover, it is feared that sweet tastes will cause children to become addicted," he said.

Hasto reminded toddlers that it is not an object to conduct trials when parents are new to learn something such as providing good nutritional intake for children.

He also asked every party who is not an expert in his field to stop providing misleading examples or education through social media platforms. He considered that as long as there was no recommendation from an expert and there was no concrete evidence, this could not be proven to be true and it was not good to be given in parenting. It must be with knowledge and for those who are not experts please don't spread wrong education. We, those who are experts, like not to have the courage to speak, he said. In order to prevent hoaxes related to children's nutrition from becoming more widespread, one of the efforts that the BKKBN builds is to make a Healthy Kitchen Over Stunting (Dashat). The goal is to reduce the consumption of ready-to-eat food and intensify education to prevent stunting by processing local products into healthy menus. For example, in processing kelor leaves, Dahsat shows good processing by using only the leaves. It can also be a treatment of food texture based on children's age at home. One as education, second as a means that as he allocates his village budget for stunting, then the village provides local products to be cooked so that they can be seen and distributed to the public," he said. So Dashat is useful for education and fulfillment of consumption needs from existing programs," said Hasto.

Previously, through the tiktok application, there was a video of a baby being given sachet milk coffee by his mother. The mother thinks that milk coffee actually contains milk, compared to a sweet thickness.

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