AMBON - Residents of Lorong Silale, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, Maluku were shocked by the discovery of a baby in a plastic bag that was placed in front of one of the rented rooms, Wednesday, January 25, at around 03.30 WIT.

"This baby boy was found in good health wearing a white shirt placed in a black plastic bag in front of one of the boarding rooms belonging to the Latuconsina Kelu Lorong Silale RT 002/RW 003," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease Iptu Moyo Utomo, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 25.

According to him, the discovery of the baby was allegedly deliberately dumped by his parents, so that investigators from the PPA Polresta Ambon and identification units are still carrying out investigations at the crime scene (TKP) to reveal who the perpetrator had the heart to dispose of his blood.

Based on witness Rosita's testimony. He woke up at around 03.30 WIT and then heard the baby's cry in front of his boarding house.

Feeling scared, Rosita then woke her son Fadil to accompany her to check the sound of the cry.

Then Fadil saw from the window a black plastic bag and heard the sound of a baby crying, then immediately told his mother there was a cry of a baby from a plastic bag in front of their boarding house room.

Because of fear, Fadil and his mother then ran out of the boarding house room towards the road to ask for help and meet several youths, namely Gusti Abdilah Abduleh and Andika Ariandi.

However, Gusti and Andika also did not dare to check the plastic bag containing the baby. They then took the initiative to call several Silale youths who were currently sitting around the scene.

"After the crackle bag was opened, it turned out that the baby boy was in good health, wearing a white shirt and covered with a brown koko shirt (male Muslim shirt)," said Moyo.

Furthermore, this baby was then taken into the house of Fahira Kibas (the owner of the boarding house) and provided temporary handling by the owner of the boarding house and local residents.

"This baby was then taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for further treatment, after the police received information and visited the scene at 05.00 WIT," said Moyo.

The results of medical checks turned out that the baby's pulse and heart conditions were good, oxygen absorption was normal, and the baby was active.

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