The Indonesian Ombudsman issued a compensation recommendation to the reported Governor of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government which was proven to have maladministrated in the form of protracted delays to settle compensation for losses to shophouse owners that collapsed in 2014.

The chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman, Mokhammad Najih, said that since 2014 there has been no settlement action by the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to date, where residents have also been affected by the damage and have submitted their reports to the Indonesian Ombudsman since the collapse of the Sambas Pier.

The reporter said that in 2009, at the beginning of the construction of the Sambas Pier, there had been a minor rift in the shophouses around Sambas Pier. The reporter has also submitted a letter of clarification to the Sambas Regent regarding the damage to the five shop houses due to the construction of Sambas Pier.

However, on February 11, 2014, Sambas Pier collapsed and sank into the Sambas River, which had an impact on the shophouse building around the construction of the dock.

"The reporter as the owner of the shophouse has submitted an application to the West Kalimantan Provincial Government Transportation Service for a request for the construction/improvement of the shophouse and/or compensation for money. However, until now there has been no clarity and there has been no repair process and/or compensation in the form of money given to affected residents," Mokhammad Najih said in his statement, Tuesday, January 24.

Najih explained that in the context of completing public reports, the Indonesian Ombudsman issued a recommendation to the Governor of West Kalimantan to settle the Government's responsibility regarding compensation for losses to shophouse owners affected by the collapse of the Sambas Regency Pier in 2014.

"The recommendation was signed on December 30, 2022 and has been submitted in writing to the Governor of West Kalimantan through a letter from the Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman dated January 9, 2023," he said.

The Ombudsman stated that the West Kalimantan Provincial Government, in this case the Governor of West Kalimantan as the Reported Party, had carried out maladministration in the form of protracted delays in the legal obligation to provide services for the completion of government responsibilities related to compensation for losses to shophouse owners affected by the collapse of Sambas Pier.

Furthermore, the Ombudsman asked the Governor of West Kalimantan to coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs for the mechanism and technicality of compensation for losses to the affected communities due to the collapse of the 2014 Sambas Pier.

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