Indonesian SOLO-President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited Solo Technopark (STP) in Surakarta, Central Java, Monday, January 23 to see the development of the area of science and technology in the city. "Based on the information from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat received in Jakarta, Monday, January 23, when he arrived at the location, President Jokowi was greeted directly by BLUD leader KST Solo Technopark, Yudit Cahyantoro, and then reviewed a number of facilities in that place."The President visited the STP area to see developments in the science and technology area, one of which is the existence of a new building, namely the Sembrani Building and the Gumarang Building," said Yudit. Yudit explained that the two buildings will later be used as office centers, business incubation centers, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and other community services in Solo City.

Solo Technopark is an area owned by the Surakarta City Government as a center of innovation and vocation for regional competitiveness. The area serves as a hub for integration, collaboration between academic communities, business, government, community and media. "The president gives excellent appreciation to Solo Technopark and hopes that Solo Technopark can become a 'technopark' national 'role model' in Indonesia," said Yudit. Yudit. Yudit hopes that the Solo Technopark science and technology area will continue to grow. "You can continue to serve, and can become the center of the digital ecosystem in the city of Surakarta," he said.

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