JAKARTA - The Central Executive of the Young Generation for Indonesian Development (GMPI) condemned the acts of intimidation and violence against five journalists on duty during the coverage of the Ibiza Club sealing in Surabaya, on Friday, January 20.

"We strongly condemn all forms of intimidation and physical violence against journalists during the sealing of the Ibiza Club in Surabaya," said Head of the Media and Infokom Division of GMPI PP M Samsul Arifin in his statement in Jakarta, Monday, January 23.

Samsul said the act of intimidation and violence against journalists in Surabaya was a real threat to freedom of the press and democracy. According to him, journalists' duties are protected by Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.

"The intimidation and violence against journalists in Surabaya also injures the public's right to information. Meanwhile, journalists work to fulfill public rights to know that," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Therefore, Samsul urged the police to thoroughly investigate and arrest the perpetrators of the intimidation. He also hopes that the police can arrest the party who ordered acts of intimidation and violence against the journalist.

"We urge the police to immediately arrest the perpetrators and intellectual actors of intimidation and violence against journalists. After all, there must be someone who ordered them," he said.

Previously, a number of journalists became victims of persecution while covering the activities of the East Java Provincial Government Satpol PP officers who wanted to seal it at the Ibiza Club Discotheque Building, Jalan Simpang Dukuh Surabaya, at around 14.00 WIB on Friday, January 20.

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